Turnkey Private 5G

The only private 5G / LTE / WiFi / CBRS solution which embeds global networking

azure stack netfoundry private 5g

It is now simpler to deploy Private LTE islands. But the pain of connecting those islands to enterprise and clouds is stalling deployments, and adding cost and complexity.

Use NetFoundry to easily and securely connect your private network islands of IoT and edge compute to your enterprise and cloud assets:

  • Simple: embed in your edge compute (locally or at edge DC) - no bespoke networking hardware.
  • Secure. Zero trust, micro-segmented networking replaces less secure private APNs, VPNs and MPLS.
  • Enterprise-grade QoE.  At least 200% performance improvement for most apps compared to VPN or MPLS.

For IMS, working with NetFoundry Zero Trust networking helps us best serve edge compute customers. We are embedding our IoT Edge solution with NetFoundry so that we can enable customers to meet their edge compute goals without the hassle of deploying VPNs, firewalls, or proprietary hardware. In fact, we can jointly be deployed as part of golden image on any edge server. This means we can provide our customer a turn-key solution which is secure, scalable and future-proof.

Paul Edrich, CTO, IMS Evolve

IMS manages over 2 million IoT and edge devices, globally

Get started in the way that matches your deployment:

Edge data centers

When your private LTE / Wireless network mobile core (EPC, vEPC) is at an edge data center, NetFoundry partners with your edge DC provider to give you turnkey, global, secure, high performance networking from that DC to your enterprise network and cloud assets.  You get zero trust networking security with 200% better performance for most apps compared to WAN or VPN options.

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Edge servers

When your private LTE / wireless network mobile core (EPC, vEPC) is in your edge server - at your local site - NetFoundry partners with the edge server/solution provider to give you turnkey, global, secure, high performance networking from your edge server (or network modem) to your enterprise network and cloud assets.  Instant private network + instant WAN!


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App and solution embedded

For IoT and Edge apps which require end to end networking control, security and performance, Ziti SDKs enable IoT and Edge solution providers to embed zero trust, high performance, cloud orchestrated networking directly into the application. No additional install! The app is now secure and performant - wherever it is - including bidirectional, multi-protocol communication for app management.

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Turnkey private 5G with Azure Private Edge Zones

Plug-in the Azure Stack Edge server at your site and you have a private LTE / 5G network at your site with powerful edge compute! Use NetFoundry's embedded software to connect to your enterprise and cloud assets.  This eliminates the costs, complexity and project delays of networking outside your private LTE / 5G network.  Learn more here.

azure stack edge 5g netfoundry

Microsoft chose NetFoundry as 1 of only 5 networking solutions in the world to optimize Office 365. The same solution connects your private 5G island with zero trust, high performance networking, eliminating the costs of backhaul, APNs, VPNs and MPLS. You extend SASE security to private 5G.

Enlume used the NetFoundry SDK to embed zero trust networking in their mobile point of service (mPOS) application, and looks forward to expanding to 5G:

“We look forward to leveraging low latency compute services from Microsoft Azure Private Edge Zones, NetFoundry, and partners," stated Devi Malladi, CEO of EnLume. Devi continued, “Azure Private Edge Zones with embedded NetFoundry networking will support us in meeting our business goals for delivering 5G ready mobile point of sale (mPOS) applications, next-gen interactive customer success platforms, and autonomous vehicle solutions."

Zero trust security for edge and IoT networking

Secure Authentication = Zero Trust Network

Your IoT and application assets remain dark, even after secure auth, due to NetFoundry's Fabric routers. Each session is micro-segmented with least privileged access from your centralized policies. The Fabric is controlled by your identities and policies, while being managed by NetFoundry as NaaS, and extending all the way to your apps or edge via SDKs or thin software.

No Authentication = No Network.

Until secure validation, there is no data path, providing zero trust networking security. Your IoT devices and edge compute is completely dark to the Internet. NetFoundry leverages hardware root of trust and secure key exchange so you don't deal with certificate or PKI pain, while gaining secure authentication and the ability to use any CA.

Silicon to Cloud Security

Securely connect IoT to edge, core, and cloud from any Internet or 5G connection. Use integrations with leading providers such as Micron® Authenta Technology for hardware root of trust secured IIoT networking. Bi-directional certificate authentication, included in NetFoundry's NaaS services, secures devices which don't yet support hardware root of trust.

NetFoundry is an associate partner in Dell’s IoT Partner Program and a founding member of EdgeX Foundry, a Linux Foundation initiative, focused on building a common open framework for IoT and edge solutions.

Contact us to get started with private 5G

We will answer your questions, do an online demo, help you deploy a sandbox network in minutes, and then hand you the keys.