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APIs & SDKs for private Internet overlay networks

Enable a new art of the possible by replacing VPNs, private circuits and custom hardware with code.

Your application now controls the network. And not just any network. The global NetFoundry Fabric - the world's only security and performance optimized Internet overlay designed to be controlled by your application.

Network SDKs enable you to compile your application to get zero trust, software defined perimeter security and high performance from any Internet connection. The network SDKs are now available as beta. Simply email us to get access - SDK (at) NetFoundry (dot) io. 

Network APIs enable you to control application connectivity from your DevOps tools.  The network APIs are available globally.  Check out the APIs here, and then start a free trial here to access.

The NetFoundry Fabric: where Connectivity-as-Code meets Network-as-a-Service

NetFoundry's SDKs and APIs simplify networking by enabling your apps to control the NetFoundry Fabric from any Internet connection.

Your app spins up private, application-specific networks across the Fabric.  All the infrastructure is in the NetFoundry cloud, managed by us in a network-as-a-service manner, in the same way that cloud compute and infrastructure-as-service providers manage your compute while you control it.

The NetFoundry Fabric

● Accessible from any Internet connection and controlled by your apps, tools and policies
● Enables overlays across any set of edges, clouds and service meshes
● Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) with Software Defined Perimeter (SDP)
● Dynamic Internet overlay spun up on demand saves you from the costs which SD-WAN overlay providers are forced to pass on to you (due to their costly core networks).
● Unified session control plane simplifies your management - all your endpoints from apps on embedded systems to cloud gateways are unified under your control

The perspective of NetFoundry customers and partners

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