Whitepaper: Our Abstraction is Your Salvation

The wait is finally over. AIMed is officially in full swing here in London and we couldn’t be more excited. To dovetail on last week’s blog post, AIMed Europe 2018 is dedicated to the transformative impact Artificial Intelligence (AI)-inspired technology is having on healthcare.

The healthcare industry is experiencing a technology revolution of sorts. We are living in a digital age and the power of new technology is allowing healthcare professionals to capture more accurate patient data, manage chronic diseases better, and to remotely monitor high-risk patients better. The best part is that all of these technological advancements are being conducted at a dramatically reduced cost. The icing on the cake for these technological improvements in healthcare is AI.

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AIMed Europe is unique in the sense that it’s one of the only healthcare conferences that brings together the insight and knowledge from the likes of physicians, C-Suite executives, purchasers and professionals in the worlds of medicine and data science.

AI is the Name of the Game

It’s strange to think that AI is finally a reality. For so long, AI was futuristic and just out of our grasp. Now, not only is it a reality, but it’s a concept that is revolutionizing the world. Taking advantage of AI and making it work for you and your industry, is one of the best ways to gain a competitive edge in today’s digital landscape.

Although we are excited about the impact AI is having on healthcare, there are still gaps and limitations that exist.

AIMed Chair, Dr. Anthony Chang, says, “I came to realize early in my career that medicine is woefully inadequate and often lacking in data-supported information and knowledge,” he continues, “a new biomedical world imbued with artificial intelligence will help every patient immensely.”

The Impact NetFoundry and Integron Will Have on Healthcare

While AI is the hot topic for AIMed Europe 2018, NetFoundry’s role within healthcare runs deep. Our networking solutions provide a secure, nimble and reliable option for the healthcare world. Our partnership with Integron demonstrates this perfectly.

Integron is a managed services company specializing in IoT systems development, integration and ongoing operations. While Integron doesn’t work solely within the healthcare vertical, it is an industry that aligns perfectly with Integron’s IoT services.

For example, within the healthcare field, Integron focuses on connecting medical devices either worn by or embedded into human beings by developing a software defined networking (SDN) solution.

Their highly secure connectivity offering is specifically designed to support everything from the clinical trials of these devices to systems that will ultimately scale to support millions of devices over time.

Whitepaper: Our Abstraction is Your Salvation

Integron designs and engineers solutions for connected health companies, including hardware selection and sourcing, firmware customization, country specific cellular certifications, OSS and BSS platform services, wireless management, asset tracking and traceability.

Additionally, the company is working with partners on home-care applications, improving the monitoring of patients in recovery or with chronic illnesses, making care more personalized and cost-efficient for providers.

The partnership between NetFoundry and Integron enables Integron to deliver Internet-based, secure, high-performance private network solutions, using overlay technologies that make the creation of private networks easier and less expensive than cellular and other more traditional connectivity approaches.

Find Us at AIMed Europe!

Before we sign off for today, let’s circle back around to AIMed Europe 2018. If you’re attending, be sure to find NetFoundry at the show. Our team will be represented by Vincent Barida and David Fish and they would love to have a chat. Plus, we know they would also love to have a pint at the pub once the show is over (wink, wink).

We hope you are enjoying AIMed Europe 2018 as much as we are!

Whitepaper: Our Abstraction is Your Salvation

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