Driving Innovation with Unified Networking and Security

Looking to consolidate your distributed networking and security solutions into a single cloud native platform?

As a leader in application specific networking and Network-as-a-Service (NaaS), NetFoundry believes digital transformation requires network transformation.

•Software-only solution for simple, secure access to all apps
•Completely replaces VPN clients
•Zero trust network access with micro-segmentation
•Direct routing via app specific networking
•NetFoundry manages infrastructure as NaaS
•No separate VPNs to manage - part of SASE platform

NetFoundry enables SaaS, ISV, solution providers and IT to extend simple, reliable, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) anywhere your apps go.


    Enable Your Teams to Work From Anywhere

    Embrace the next normal with true zero trust networking from NetFoundry and overcome the constraints of legacy networks as you implement your long-term work from anywhere strategy.

    Download the eBook
    • “We are committed to protecting our clients’ data. Partnering with NetFoundry isn’t just a way to accomplish this, but the best way.”
      Steve Lindsey
      CIO, Liveview Technologies (LVT)
    • “Businesses can use NetFoundry's Ziti platform to simplify network management, and enable zero trust networking for applications running at the edge on Azure public MEC and Azure regions.”
      Ross Ortega
      VP, Azure for Operators
    • “At the onset of Covid-19, our NetFoundry platform enables us to configure and activate our entire staff for remote access to various on premise local workstations & servers in under 2 hours with a range of permissions per users and/or group and no hardware deployment. In the last few days it has been a life saver.”
      Shawn Campion
      CEO, Integro Technologies
    • “We are seeing increased demand from our customers for greater security, control, & flexibility for their IoT private networks. Our partnership with NetFoundry allows us to embed zero trust networking to satisfy those requirements.”
      Bryan Lubel
      President, Integron
    • “Integrating our IoT solution with NetFoundry SDKs enables IoT networking without VPNs or proprietary hardware. We can jointly be deployed as software on any IoT device to provide customers with simple solutions.”
      Paul Edrich
      CTO, IMS Evolve
    • “By integrating NetFoundry’s zero trust platform into our IoT and Edge analytics solutions, TOOQ is transforming the retail industry.”
      Ronaldo Moura
      CEO, TOOQ

    Zero trust security replaces VPN vulnerabilities

    No Authentication = No Network

    Until secure authentication, there is no data path, providing true zero trust networking security. NetFoundry includes build-in, fully managed, bi-directional secure certificate validation to authenticate every endpoint. 

    Secure Authentication = Zero Trust App Access

    Users never get a full network connection!  Users only get access to specific authorized applications (micro-segmented, least privileged access).  All assets remain dark due to NetFoundry's Fabric routers. The Fabric is controlled by your policies, while being managed by NetFoundry as NaaS.

    Zero trust with micro-segmentation

    VPNs provide access to entire networks. However, contractors, vendors or remote workers only only need access to specific apps. NetFoundry's micro-segmentation only provides access to the specific apps, greatly strengthening security and compliance.


    Get started immediately

    We will answer your questions, do an online demo, help you deploy a sandbox network in minutes, and then hand you the keys.

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