Exploring the Edge

In today’s world of uber-connectivity and IIoT devices, edge computing is extremely fascinating. When you break the process down to its simplest forms, edge computing takes the data from IIoT devices and moves it to the “edge” and processes it much closer to the actual device the data came from. This results in more instantaneous and accurate data to work with and eliminates the need to send data across long routes to data centers or clouds.

NodeWeaver, an industry-leader within the edge computing world, is a zero-management edge cloud fabric - integrating storage, networking, and virtualization in a single system. It was built to deliver full data center capabilities on virtually any x86-based hardware. NodeWeaver is very user-friendly as well because it allows customers to start small and expand their infrastructure as needed, one node at a time.



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Spin up Zero Trust networks in minutes over NodeWeaver's cloud fabric environments.

 read the solution overview

IIoT and The Edge

The growth within the IIoT realm has been astounding and because of this, the need for a stronger, more powerful and more intelligent edge is justified. Everyday, IIoT solution stacks are becoming more advanced and responsive. From analyzing sensor data, to making AI-driven decisions, to taking action in real time, the evolution we’re experiencing is incredible.

NodeWeaver’s edge cloud fabric is lightweight and agile and works harmoniously with the ever-changing demands of IIoT. While NodeWeaver is powerful on its own, combining forces with NetFoundry has unleashed capabilities like never before. With NetFoundry, NodeWeaver is able to extend its zero-management approach to the network.

Now, it’s easy to spin up software-only, Zero Trust, micro-segmented networks, also known as AppWANs, directly from NodeWeaver cloud fabric environments over existing Internet connections without sacrificing speed or security.

Software-only mesh networks between edge nodes for unmatched IIoT agility.

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How NetFoundry + NodeWeaver Benefits You

In today’s world, seamless user experience and easy-to-use solutions are expected. Both NetFoundry and NodeWeaver boast simple, agile, and secure solutions which only enhances this partnership and benefits the user.

NetFoundry seamlessly integrates with NodeWeaver’s automation tools and is part of the NodeWeaver Marketplace which enables simple, full-stack solutions. Additionally, users can expect faster configuration changes and updates, dynamic performance optimization with 3-5x performance gains over traditional VPNs, Zero Trust network architecture, hardware and service provider agnostic, as well as multi-dimensional and encrypted data in motion protection.

Agile & Reliable IIoT & Edge Connectivity

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How Connectivity Works at the Edge

The NodeWeaver edge control fabric is simple and easy-to-use so NodeWeaver must also supply customers with simple and easy-to-use connectivity between their distributed nodes. This connectivity solution must also include built-in automation, multi-dimensional security, and infinite scalability. NetFoundry is the connectivity solution that enables NodeWeaver to do just that.

nodeweaver netfoundry cloud edge appwans appwan

As a combined unit, NodeWeaver can instantly deploy NetFoundry mesh networks between edge nodes, which are driving IIoT. Now, NodeWeaver customers can spin up software-only AppWANs directly between their environments over existing Internet connections.

This helps IIoT customers solve 3 challenges while protecting critical systems from outside threats. Limiting access to apps with micro-segmented, least privilege access AppWANs integrated into Identity and Access Management (IAM), abstracting critical systems away from the Internet using bi-directional and outbound-only dark networks, and harnessing multi-dimensional security architectures for data-in motion protection.

We're Transforming Connectivity

  • “We are committed to protecting our clients’ data. Partnering with NetFoundry isn’t just a way to accomplish this, but the best way.”
    Steve Lindsey
    CIO, Liveview Technologies (LVT)
  • “Businesses can use NetFoundry's Ziti platform to simplify network management, and enable zero trust networking for applications running at the edge on Azure public MEC and Azure regions.”
    Ross Ortega
    VP, Azure for Operators
  • “At the onset of Covid-19, our NetFoundry platform enables us to configure and activate our entire staff for remote access to various on premise local workstations & servers in under 2 hours with a range of permissions per users and/or group and no hardware deployment. In the last few days it has been a life saver.”
    Shawn Campion
    CEO, Integro Technologies
  • “We are seeing increased demand from our customers for greater security, control, & flexibility for their IoT private networks. Our partnership with NetFoundry allows us to embed zero trust networking to satisfy those requirements.”
    Bryan Lubel
    President, Integron
  • “Integrating our IoT solution with NetFoundry SDKs enables IoT networking without VPNs or proprietary hardware. We can jointly be deployed as software on any IoT device to provide customers with simple solutions.”
    Paul Edrich
    CTO, IMS Evolve
  • “By integrating NetFoundry’s zero trust platform into our IoT and Edge analytics solutions, TOOQ is transforming the retail industry.”
    Ronaldo Moura
  • “In the current pandemic, although our usage has multiplied at FWD Insurance, NetFoundry easily scaled to facilitate zero trust security for our new work from home workforce.”
    Shilpa Tumma
    Info Security Officer, FWD Insurance
  • klarrio logo
    “Zero trust and least privilege access in a world that is moving towards edge compute and dynamic containerized services is pivotal, which is yet again where NetFoundry scores with its capability to easily integrate ZTNA with automation frameworks via its APIs.”
    Martin Braem
    COO, Klarrio
  • PliantCloud Alliance Technology Group netfoundry appwan zero trust fintech
    NetFoundry extends the WAN all the way to the application endpoint without CPE, over the Internet. We integrated NetFoundry’s AppWANs into the networking solutions we sell to financial institutions to enable them to meet their strict regulatory and security requirements.
    Chris Williams
    VP at PliantCloud, Alliance Technology Group

Get Started for Free Today

With just a few simple steps, you can begin spinning up networks today.