Eliminate B2B VPNs

NetFoundry is the leader in zero trust B2B networking, enabling app providers to eliminate B2B VPNs between their apps and their customers.  Gartner: "By 2022, 80% of new business apps opened to ecosystem partners will move to zero trust".

Customer case study

The applications are used by pharmacies and hospitals across the United States. Previously, the ISV's customers had to nail up VPNs at every site. The results:

  • 1. When a VPN went down, it seemed like the ISV's app was down.
  • 2. When a VPN impaired the performance of the apps, then it seemed like the app was having problems.
  • 3. ISV staff had to manage their VPN support overhead continually increasing as they won new customers and as their existing customers added sites.

The ISV chose NetFoundry's zero trust, software defined networking to get out of the VPN business, and focus on their products and customers.  The result was better performance, stronger security and a drastic decrease in support costs.


“I am so happy to have found NetFoundry. They are truly exceeding on the delivery of software defined networking by allowing zero trust, secure and reliable communication between our customers and our software services no matter where the client or the host are connected.  It has also allowed us to further secure our front end and back end service without putting a giant burden on our network support team.  Your development, sales and support teams have exceeded my expectations in support and delivery.   Thank you for making me a hero in the eyes of my executive leadership team.”

Solution Architect, leading ISV


Turn up new customer sites in minutes without VPN hardware. Gain single pane of glass control and visibility across all your customers.


VPNs will not longer hurt the performance and reliability of your applications. Get at least 200% performance gain for most apps as compared to VPNs.


VPNs make you vulnerable and exposes you to breaches from your customer side. Regulation is increasingly making you pay the breach costs in either case. Zero trust closes the doors.


Nailing up VPNs is complex and painful. Most organizations save 30% of their support costs and time when they upgrade to zero trust, software defined networking.

Easily extend zero trust networking into any customer environment



Deploy on existing modems, WiFi routers or servers as VMs, containers or appliances - whatever is best for each customer.



Android, iOS, PC, Mac and Linux.  Take zero trust networking all the way to the application.



Compile your app on our Ziti SDKs to eliminate customer-side endpoints entirely - customer simply installs your app.

Contact us to replace VPNs with zero trust networking

We will answer your questions, do an online demo, help you deploy a sandbox network in minutes, and then hand you the keys.

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