Simplifying the Zero Trust Journey

Security and business velocity are the real goals.  Zero Trust can help, but is a journey which goes beyond Zero Trust itself.  NetFoundry helps immediately solve your most important cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Cybersecurity Challenges

How do businesses improve protection from cyber threats now - like the recent tsunami of ransomware attacks – while maintaining or even improving business velocity? These two priorities often conflict with each other creating a priority tug of war.

There is a path forward that eliminates this tug of war. NetFoundry Zero Trust 2.0, a new Security-as-Code approach, helps end the tug of war between security and business velocity.


As app embedded code, NetFoundry abstracts away the complexity of underlying networking infrastructure, and eliminate bolted-on infrastructure. Zero Trust is embedded into the process layer of applications, closing critical security vulnerabilities. Infrastructure as Code meets Security as Code, helping your business velocity and automation.  Learn more here.

Security 101

Security 101 states to minimize the attack surface and reduce the blast radius.  WAN architectures, with bolted-on infrastructure, failed Security 101.  NetFoundry enables you to immediately minimize the attack surface (close inbound firewall ports completely!) and reduce the blast radius, while supporting your journey towards full Zero Trust - complete WAN elimination.  Learn more here.

Open Source Platform

Leverage open source and open standards, when at all possible, in your Zero Trust journey. The innovation advantages of open source are well known. With complete visibility into code comes substantial security advantages. This is why NetFoundry open sourced our OpenZiti software.while providing you with the option for turnkey Zero Trust as SaaS, from an API-first, extensible platform.

  • “Integrating our IoT solution with NetFoundry SDKs enables IoT networking without VPNs or proprietary hardware. We can jointly be deployed as software on any IoT device to provide customers with simple solutions.”
    Paul Edrich
    CTO, IMS Evolve
  • “By integrating NetFoundry’s zero trust platform into our IoT and Edge analytics solutions, TOOQ is transforming the retail industry.”
    Ronaldo Moura

A Platform Approach and Embedded Zero Trust is the Path Forward

While Zero Trust and its principles are recognized as a core foundation for modernizing security to counter cyberattacks. Getting started on your journey to full adoption of zero trust can seem daunting. We suggest the following as guidelines to begin the journey. Any transformation must be approached as iterative journey.

Assess vulnerabilities

Identify a set of your most vulnerable use cases or applications, and a set of your use cases which would be the simplest to implement zero trust for. The intersection of this collection of use cases is likely the first step of your zero trust journey.

For many businesses, this will mean securing 3rd party access to your networks, including vendors, supply chain partners, SaaS providers, ISVs and MSPs. The only thing between a breach at these third parties and your critical business data is usually vulnerable infrastructure like firewalls, VPNs and SD-WANs.

DevSecOps, DevOps and NetOps Processes

Complexity increases the breadth and depth of your cybersecurity risk profile. It is not an accident that bolted-on WAN and VPN infrastructure is routinely victimized by ransomware and other attacks. Complex environments are a target rich environment for bad actors.

Take a platform approach with Netfoundry zero trust to bolster your defenses against cyber-attacks with zero trust built-in. NetFoundry’s software only platform eliminates VPN, firewall and WAN dependencies and enables you to simplify and scale your security defenses without infrastructure constraints. NetFoundry's open source SDKs, prebuilt integrations with all hyper-scaler clouds, and Dev-Ops tooling enable you to extend zero trust networking into new edge and cloud environments, on demand, in minutes.

Platform Approach

Complexity increases the breadth and depth of your cybersecurity risk profile. It is not an accident that bolted-on WAN and VPN infrastructure is routinely victimized by ransomware and other attacks. Complex environments are a target rich environment for bad actors.

Take a platform approach with Netfoundry zero trust to bolster your defenses against cyber-attacks with zero trust built-in. NetFoundry’s software only platform eliminates VPN, firewall and WAN dependencies and enables you to simplify and scale your security defenses without infrastructure constraints. NetFoundry's open source SDKs, prebuilt integrations with all hyper-scaler clouds, and Dev-Ops tooling enable you to extend zero trust networking into new edge and cloud environments, on demand, in minutes.

Get started immediately

We will answer your questions, do an online demo, help you deploy a sandbox network in minutes, and then hand you the keys.