Case Study: SAP Cloud Networking From Anywhere

The customer needed a private network solution for SAP HEC. Deploying a traditional private network via dedicated circuits or VPN tunnels didn’t meet customer requirements for agility, security, performance or cost. Customer therefore evaluated the new solution for private networking: private, zero trust networking via NetFoundry’s platform and NaaS solution, requiring no hardware or circuit provisioning.

The initial customer private overlay network was created and securely connected to the SAP HEC Data Center within two hours. The customer also found value in the ease of post-network creation management and administration. For example, application-specific, micro- segmented networks (“AppWANs”) were created via web console to enforce policies for groups with different access requirements such as users, administrators and contractors, without needing to configure or change firewalls.

Using Equinix, with NetFoundry virtual gateways at Equinix, enabled the customer to leverage SAP Cloud Peering, and be natively supported by SAP’s HEC architecture. With NetFoundry managing the infrastructure between customer sites and Equinix as NaaS, and SAP managing the infrastructure between Equinix and HEC data centers as part of their managed service, the customer was able to enjoy end-to-end private networking, without deploying any infrastructure or circuits.